Why is coffee sour? How to improve it?

The sour taste of coffee does not portend anything good

It may inform, among others: about improper preparation of the drink or poor quality beans. How to make the black liquid - so loved by many - always tasty? What should you avoid when preparing it?

Acidity is not the same as coffee sourness

At the beginning, it is worth noting that the differences between these two terms are huge. Acidity is one of the elements of coffee taste, which depends, among others, on: on the method of processing the beans, the climate in which the coffee bushes grow, the variety of beans and the moment of their harvest. The lighter the roast, the more acidity the coffee has. Varieties from Africa usually have fruity notes, which are a sign of high acidity. This feature is very desirable and indicates the good quality of the coffee - remember this when shopping.

The situation is different with sourness. A black drink with this flavor is often difficult to swallow and irritating to the palate. The reasons for this state of affairs may include, among others: in poor quality beans or inappropriate brewing method. However, by following a few rules, unpleasant taste sensations can be avoided.

Why does coffee taste sour? Check if you are preparing it well

A skilled coffee lover's palate immediately detects every undesirable flavor note in the cup. The extraction time largely determines the acidity of the coffee.

Coffee extraction

Coffee extraction is a process during which ground beans release substances (including caffeine, fats, sugars, oils). They create the final taste and aroma that can be enjoyed in liquid form. Extraction time is an important factor that affects how much caffeine will be in your cup. When preparing coffee, baristas follow guidelines according to which, for example, the extraction time of espresso is about 25 seconds, and drip takes a few minutes.

The temperature of the water in which the coffee is brewed cannot be too low - then the flavor of the drink will not have a chance to emerge.

The coffee extraction time is influenced by, among others:

  • type of ground coffee,
  • amount of ground coffee,
  • grain grinding degree,
  • type of coffee machine,
  • air humidity,
  • degree of tamping of the coffee.

Pay attention to the quality of the beans

The taste of coffee is also largely influenced by its quality. Rotten or unripe seeds that end up in the package are not a very good choice. It is also worth paying attention to the dark roasting of the beans. In this way, producers often want to cover up the sour taste of coffee - the alarm signal should be the feeling of bitterness and the lack of intense aroma.


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