Honduras - a country full of coffee aroma


Honduras is a country full of wild vegetation located in Central America. It borders Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico. The unique climate in this country is shaped by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Pacific. Honduras is primarily a mountainous country, with the highest peak: Cerro Las Minas (2,870 m above sea level). Although there are no volcanoes there, coffee is still an important agricultural product of Honduras.

Coffee plantations

Coffee plantations are located mainly on mountain slopes, where the climate and soil are suitable. The humid climate and abundant rains create ideal conditions for growing coffee, which is famous for its multitude of nutrients and natural aromas.

Characteristics of coffee from Honduras

Coffee from Honduras is characterized by versatile flavors, from sweet and fruity notes to chocolate and nutty ones. It will certainly satisfy the tastes of even the most demanding coffee lovers. When reaching for these grains, it is worth remembering how much effort it took to grow and harvest them.

Coffee production

Honduras is the sixth largest coffee producer in the world. Coffee cultivation in Honduras supports approximately one million people. The most popular coffee varieties grown in Honduras are Bourbon, Caturra and Catuai. Coffee from Honduras is often used in blends.


  • Climate change negatively affects coffee yields and quality.
  • Coffee diseases, such as leaf rust, pose a serious threat to crops.
  • Low coffee prices on global markets make it difficult for growers to make a profit.

Despite these challenges, Honduran coffee is still appreciated by coffee lovers around the world. Its unique taste and aroma make it the perfect choice for anyone looking for something more than ordinary coffee.

Additional information

More information about Honduran coffee can be found on the Honduras Coffee Institute website.

You can also support Honduran coffee farmers by purchasing Fair Trade certified coffee.

We hope this text has provided you with more information about Honduras and its coffee.


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