Jak powstaje kawa Speciality?

How is Specialty coffee made?

Coffee is a drink that has won the hearts of millions of lovers around the world, including in Poland, thanks to its unique taste and aromatic properties. The variety of specialty coffee flavors is the result of both the growing process and the preparation of the beans. That's why it's worth exploring the production stages that make specialty coffee so unique.

Where does coffee grow? The main coffee growing regions are tropical and subtropical areas, especially the equatorial zone, where there is a suitable climate and soil for the development of coffee trees. Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and Ethiopia are just a few of the countries with extensive coffee plantations.

How does coffee grow? The coffee tree, from which beans are obtained for coffee production, is a plant that requires a warm, humid climate and fertile soil. This plant is often grown in mountainous areas, where altitude has a significant impact on its taste and aroma. The higher the coffee grows, the more complex the coffee's flavor profile.

Harvesting and preparing coffee beans is a key stage in the production of specialty coffee. Coffee berries are carefully harvested, often by hand, on mountain plantations, where the coffee is of the highest quality. Then the grains are processed and dried, which determines their final taste and aroma.

Specialty coffee from Costa Rica is a real gem among coffees. They come from the picturesque regions of Coto Brus and Tarraz, their unique beans are collected and selected by hand, which guarantees their highest quality and unique taste. Thanks to its intense fruit and chocolate notes, specialty coffee from Costa Rica will surprise even the most demanding gourmets.

If you want to discover the richness of specialty coffee flavors, we invite you to try our special offer . We provide five small samples of 100-gram coffee beans from selected regions for you to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of specialty coffee flavors.


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