The influence of water on the taste and quality of coffee

Next to the highest quality, carefully selected grains, all this is prepared in a top-class coffee machine and success is guaranteed. But are you sure? Doesn't it happen that even the same coffee prepared in different places can taste different? While a lot of attention is paid to the quality and type of beans and the brewing method, the topic of the water used to make the infusion does not attract as much interest, or is often even ignored, especially when it comes to beginner lovers of the black drink.

So what impact can the water used to prepare coffee have on the taste and quality of coffee?

The degree of water mineralization and the taste of coffee

The degree of water saturation with minerals varies depending on the region, supplier, and installations through which the water is transported. The content of mineral substances in water is determined by the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) index given in mg/l, and its optimal parameters are 120 - 160 mg/l. These are values ​​that, in most cases, can be obtained after filtering tap water. The concentration of minerals in the water used to brew coffee will have a decisive impact on its taste and even whether it is possible to extract their specific aroma from the beans. The degree of water saturation with calcium and magnesium particles is crucial here. High concentration will block the release of coffee essence, as a result, the resulting infusion will lack depth and its taste will be average. Will demineralized water be a better choice? Definitely not, because minerals help extract the flavor and aroma from the beans, the water for brewing coffee cannot be completely devoid of them, so that the resulting brew is not sour or unnaturally bitter.

In addition to minerals, tap water may contain chlorine, which will significantly affect the taste and smell of coffee, as well as other minor impurities found in pipes. Therefore, although tap water will, in principle, be a much better choice than store-bought mineral water, it is worth filtering it first. Thanks to this, we will remove impurities and excess minerals from it, but we will obtain the best quality liquid for brewing coffee.

What water to use for brewing coffee?

Once the water is properly filtered, it would seem that there is nothing left to do but prepare the drink. However, you should also spend some time on several other important aspects. The ideal water for coffee should be fresh, i.e. one that has not been left in the kettle for a long time, or one that has already been boiled several times, because it will not allow the beans to get their full aroma and flavor.

A factor that no coffee lover or professional barista can ignore is the appropriate temperature of the water used for brewing. Coffee beans are extremely susceptible to temperature changes, which in turn is closely related to taste sensations because it affects the release and solubility of ingredients. It is assumed that the optimal water temperature should be around 88-94 degrees. A higher value will make the resulting brew more aromatic, with a deep, intense flavor, while coffee brewed at a lower temperature will be more acidic. Both too low and too high temperatures can deprive the infusion of its aroma and taste, and importantly, pouring boiling water over coffee is not an appropriate practice, as it deprives the drink of both its flavor and properties.


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