How is decaffeinated coffee made?

Nothing improves your mood and puts you on your feet like a cup of strong coffee. Many people drink this aromatic drink in the morning, at noon or during afternoon relaxation. Coffee contains caffeine, which is not harmful in small amounts. According to the latest research, you can drink up to five cups a day without harm to your health. However, there are situations in which we want to give up consuming this substance. Giving up caffeine does not have to mean giving up coffee. There are more and more types of decaffeinated coffee on the market, based on real Arabica or Robusta beans.

What does the decaffeination process look like?

Decaffeinated coffee is mainly associated with a drink prepared from roasted grains. Each of us tried grain coffee as a child. It is a drink with an interesting and pleasant taste, but it does not resemble real coffee. Giving up caffeine does not have to mean returning to the flavors of your childhood. There are three processes that will help remove caffeine from beans.

Chemical decaffeination method

Science, specifically chemistry, can help. This method requires the use of solvents that combine with the caffeine and leach it from the beans. After rinsing several times in methylene chloride or methyl acetate, the beans still taste like coffee, but there is no caffeine left. This method is inexpensive and therefore quite popular. However, it is associated with some controversy resulting from the use of chemical compounds also used in varnishing.

Gas decaffeination method

Similarly to the chemical method, the gas method involves combining caffeine with another substance. The gas method is used in large roasteries, for larger amounts of beans. They are soaked in water and then the caffeine is removed using gas and high pressure. Carbon dioxide plays the role of a solvent here.

Swiss mountain water method

The most ecological and increasingly popular coffee decaffeination technique involves using water for this purpose. Soaking the beans in water deprives them of caffeine and the taste of coffee, then the water, which removes everything valuable from the beans, is filtered in such a way that the taste and aroma of coffee remain in it, and the caffeine particles remain on the carbon filter. After repeating this process on several batches of beans, we obtain decaffeinated coffee rich in taste and aroma. This tactic is the most natural, but requires a lot of patience and time.

Who needs decaffeinated coffee?

Decaffeinated coffee will be suitable for anyone who wants a cup of aromatic infusion but for some reason cannot drink it. The decaffeinated version of your favorite drink can accompany you at any time of the day or night. You can drink it after 9 p.m. without the risk of having trouble falling asleep. It is also recommended for young people, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding naturally. It will also be ideal if we suffer from hypertension or sleep disorders. There are also people who feel discomfort after drinking coffee due to their slow metabolism. To eliminate this feeling from your life, just switch to decaffeinated coffee.

Coffee decaffeination methods are developing as technology becomes more modern. There are various ways to deprive roasted grain of substances responsible for the stimulating effect of the drink. The chemical and gas methods have been around for years and have been used many times to obtain a pleasant-tasting infusion. The Swiss Mountain Water method is becoming more and more popular in the coffee industry; its advantage is, above all, a natural process that does not require the use of chemicals.


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