Mott Coffee

Coto Brus Saba - Kawa ziarnista 1000g

85,90 zł

Kawa rzemieślnicza ziarnista

100% ArabicaKostarykaBurn-in: IVŚrednia1000-1200 m.n.p.mSCA Brak

Z czym się kojarzy Ci się Kostaryka? Skuś się na Sabę, a od teraz będzie kojarzyła się z plantacjami kawy z tego słonecznego kraju nad Morzem Karaibskim. Coto Brus Saba to kawa pochodząca z Ameryki Środkowej w naszej rodzinnej firmie Mott. opakowanie ozdobne sygnowane turkusowym ptakiem z wielokolorowym dziobem zawiera tysiąc gramów ziarnistej kawy o znaczeniu stopnia wypalenia.

Fragrance notes: Czekolada, orzech

Flavor notes: Łagodna czekolada i orzech

Kawa rzemieślnicza ziarnista

  • 100% Arabica


  • Kostaryka


  • Coto Brus

Degree of burnout

  • IV

Botanical variety:

  • Caturra


  • Washed (Proces mokry)

Acquisition method:

  • Na mokro

Weight: 1000 g


  • Ekspres ciśnieniowy
  • Parzenie alternatywne
  • Ekspres przelewowy
  • Kawiarka
  • AeroPress
  • Chemex
  • French Press
  • Drip
85,90 zł
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Welcome to Mott Coffee roastery

My story with Mott Coffee began when, after achieving success in the construction industry, I decided to devote myself to my true passion - coffee. I started traveling around Central America, where I had the opportunity to establish personal, friendly relationships with the best growers and explore the richness of local flavors.

The key is the grain

At Mott Coffee, we focus on providing only the best quality coffee. Each grain is carefully tasted and inspected, and the method of processing is selected individually on the plantations. Thanks to this, coffees from our roastery in Gorzyce are unique, fresh and high-quality. We send coffee directly to customers, which guarantees its highest freshness.

We have also recently purchased a coffee plantation in Costa Rica with an area of ​​almost 100 hectares to ensure that we offer you the best possible beans!

The final, crucial stage

For us, the roasting process is a key element influencing the taste of coffee. We roast most of our coffees medium, which allows us to preserve all the subtle flavor notes. Thanks to this, each cup of our coffee turns into a unique pleasure to which our customers eagerly return.

Our roastery, thanks to the commitment and experience of our roasting specialist, Tomek Wałek, creates perfect coffees every day that delight with taste and aroma. We focus on naturalness and artisan processing methods , which makes our coffee free from artificial additives and full of real flavor. We invite you to try our coffee and see how much difference there is in a cup of truly good coffee.